Why we’re POWERLESS to stop wind farms: Testimonies from people forced to live in turbine shadows
Here is another powerful article demonstrating the way local communities are being ignored by landowners, developers and policymakers.
The bottom line is that the government is supporting the onshore wind industry with incentives and favourable planning arrangement, at the expense of the electorate.
The same electorate is being effectively ignored when it comes to the decision making process. This is another example of wealth transfer from the common people to landowners and corporations under the guise of the climate goals.
No substantive discussion is being entered into with the public as to whether onshore wind is the best overall option. It is just based on policy … a policy which primarily seeks to maintain the transfer of wealth from the public into private hands.
Here are some clippings from the article: –
The objections have been piling in to Aberdeenshire Council and politicians such as MP Andrew Bowie have put down their markers. ‘Considering these would be seen from Moray, Aberdeen and the Mearns, many communities should get their say,’ he says. ‘An application like this must rest on the wishes of those in the area.‘
It remains to be seen whether it rests on their wishes or those of the Scottish Government.
At the Renewable Energy Foundation, a charity which closely monitors UK wind farms, their integration into the National Grid and the costs involved, director John Constable suggests the reason why turbines are getting bigger is manufacturers are designing them mainly for offshore use.
‘They are basically offshore machines which they are selling to the onshore market,’ he says. ‘They are astonishingly large machines to put on onshore… and you wonder how people will feel about it when there are 20 or 30 of these things looming over their glen.’
He adds: ‘This is not something that the English Government in London did to the Scottish people – this is something that the Scottish Government has done to you.‘