Now ban on onshore wind farms will stay as Rishi Sunk axes another Liz Truss policy
Daily Mail – 7/11/2022

Environment – MP’s concern over Hill of Fare Windfarm proposal
Scotsman – 19/10/2022

Aberdeenshire wind farm could have some of the tallest structures in the UK
Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce – 13/10/2022

Towering Aberdeenshire windfarm could contain some of UK’s tallest structures with 820ft turbines planned near Banchory
AberdeenLive – 13/10/2022

Local MP says proposed 820ft Hill of Fare turbines are ‘simply too big’
Energy Voice – 13/10/2022

Aberdeenshire resident of 40 years objects to 820 ft turbines
Energy Voice – 16/9/2022

Anger at proposed massive wind farm just 30 miles from Balmoral Castle in Aberdeenshire
Scottish Daily Express – 15/9/2022

Plans for giant 820ft-tall wind farm in Aberdeenshire spark controversy
Energy Voice – 15/8/2022